'Queendom Come'
‘Queendom Come’ by Kathy Stanley 24 x 30 inch acrylic painting
It began as a wish and a prayer: to do some healing around the relationships between mothers and daughters and women in general.
I started the painting on the solar eclipse of July 2nd to add some astrological juice to the intention I wrote on the canvas in black charcoal pencil. A background layer of leaves and branches surrounded the outer edges followed by layer upon layer of gold and green, yellow, orange and red. Then three figures emerged, very rough.
Two weeks went by where I worked on the painting bit by bit each day. The day of the Lunar Eclipse of July 16, I spent the whole day on it. By then 5 figures emerged anchored, rooted in branches rising up from a fiery interior. They were against a background of turquoise.
The next morning, a golden web wanted to emerge around them and 4 other figures appeared. The final piece came with the laying on of little gold crowns on each of their heads and I knew the painting was complete, except for a title.
A few hours and a nap were enough to reveal the title: “Queendom Come.” Dedicated to the healing and “Queendom” of all women everywhere. Blessed Be.
© Kathy Stanley
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